Art By Styles
Terms & Conditions
Customer Care
Feel free to contact Lesley for any questions, suggestions, queries to look after your purchase, or just wanting to chat! Contact details can be found via the 'contact' tab, or click the contact button below
Wholesale Inquiries
If you're interested in selling Lesley's art, prints can be made available upon request.
Any kind of wholesale inquiries can be discussed via the contact tab.
Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Apple Pay
- Offline Payments
Your internet browser has the in-built facility for storing small files- “cookies”- that hold information which allows a website to recognise your account. Our website takes advantage of this facility to enhance your experience. You have the ability to prevent your computer from accepting cookies depending on your preferences. This may impart the website functionality but is still an option.
Although we can stand by everything stated, as this website was created with WIX, they may have their own cookie policy that should be considered.
Privacy & Safety
We are committed to protecting any data that we collect concerning you. By using our services you agree to the use of the data that we collect in accordance to this privacy policy
We collect the minimum amount of information about you that is commensurate with providing you with a satisfactory service. Your use of this website gives us the right to collect that information.
All data saved will be in relation to transaction payments and shipping details. This includes your name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address. Data in relation to credit card payments is processed by Art by Lesley Styles will not be saved unless requested by you, for quick payment if you choose to purchase from us again.
We use the information collected only to process the fast for which you visited the website. Data collected in the UK is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act. All reasonable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised access to this information.
Although we can stand by everything stated, as this website was created with WIX, they may have their own privacy policy that should be considered.